Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Pekingese, My Ever Loving Valentines

My living valentines are my Pekingese with AK Champion Show Quality Pedigrees ... and most are Pekingese I have bred, kept the keepers I couldn't let go of then offered littermates to be adopted. Quality Pekingese are difficult to obtain, and many owners no longer breed Pekingese because it is one of the more difficult breeds to reproduce naturally, plus it is cost and labor prohibitive ... professional breeders have learned AI skills as did I, then used microscopes for photographing and studying collected sperm samples. For many years I have studied, and become knowledgeable of all things related to Pekingese health and reproduction and yet there is more I learn with each new day. Each of my males and a few of my females have DNA identification and I pay $328 a year to Maricopa Animal Care and Control for my kennel license plus many $ to my Veterinarian who is also my close friend. I have organized an Arizona Pekingese Owners Yahoo group to promote the Pekingese breed socially, and for owners to meet and make friends with other owners.

My Pekingese are my ever loving, living Valentines ... wagging tails, happy eyes, beautiful colors, sparkling personalities, with the warmest of hearts imaginable, the guardians of my home. They defend my spirit/soul from evil predators. My Pekingese improve my sanity as well as my mood much better than medicines or human doctors could ever do. Photographing Pekingese, appreciating them as living works of art, is not a trivial pursuit but a telepathy pursuit between a human and his ancestral history, between life and death, between today, tomorrow, and time thereafter.